3 Steps To Make Your New Home's Electrical Plan Work For You

Building a new home is exciting because you can create something that works for your specific lifestyle. The flexibility to install everything you could want in a house is a good incentive to consider building. But apart from the picking out floor tiles and paint colours, you also need to consider electrical work. While a contractor may recommend a plan that works for you, it pays to put forth your own opinions and desires to finalise something that you want. Here are some steps to make your new home's electrical plan work for you: 

Plan Power Points In Every Room Based On Functionality 

With the number of gadgets out there, simply installing one or two power points per room is no longer enough. You've got to think of connectors for mobile and tablet chargers, music systems, gaming systems, DVD players, laptop chargers, kitchen appliances and so much more. Every room will have its own set of requirements based on functionality and your lifestyle, so work with your contractor to come up with a solution that not only works for now, but for the future as well. For example, if you're looking to build a study, then you may need to consider what you intend to use in there, including desktops, laptops, printers, shredders and desktops—all of which require individual power points to run. 

Allow For Lighting Automation For Added Convenience 

You're building a home for the future and not the past, so why not welcome some futuristic lighting automation into your home? For example, sensor lighting inside cabinets, around your front yard or in the garage could really come in handy so you don't have to fumble around trying to get to a light switch at night. These automatic lights not only add convenience, but may also be a deterrent for would-be burglars who will likely turn away from well-lit homes. 

Look At Practical Placement Options For Electrical Control Panels 

Control panels control the flow of electricity into the home, so any disruption means that you may have to check them out for tripped switches. Make sure you choose a convenient and unobtrusive space that is easily accessible day or night. But at the same time, you don't want it to be right in the middle of your living room alongside your gorgeous new fireplace. Be practical and seek advice from the professional contractors before finalising a location for control panels. 

Use these steps to make your new home's electrical plan work best for you. Contact electrical contractors in your area for additional advice.

424 Words

About Me

How to Wire a Plug (and Other Electrical Things) Hello! As the title suggests, this blog will be about how to wire a plug and other electrical topics. I should really come right out and say that I am not a professional electrical contractor. However, just because I am not a professional, that doesn't mean that I don't know what I am doing. My sister-in-law is an electrical contractor and over the years, she has taught me some pretty cool stuff. She helped me to rewire my entire home, install new appliances and to carry out a safety check. I hope to pass on some of the knowledge using my blog.


